Luka Hrgović, my very good friend and great young film director depicted as a 18 century hunter, with symbols of his debitant film "Etida", here is a link to one of the trailers:
This is an aristocratic portrait of Zagreb's major Milan Bandić on a horse, done for him. It is now hanging somewhere in the Zagreb city goverment building. Hope its somewhere where it is seeable.
This painting depicts the great historical event in Croatian Art history of me commiting the Manifesto to our Art student society "Ilirski zmaj" (Iliric dragon).
This painting depicts my academy teacher prof. Kauzlarić-Atač holding a speach when the whole class gathers round and the sky opens and angels start listening as well.
This is a portrait of my friends and college's from my Academy ... Ana (, and Šabić (, painted in oil as an hommage to Grant Wood's legendary painting "American Gothic"